What can brown do for you?
Age 35, Male
The Streets
New York
Joined on 11/21/03
*hugs* <3
I'll hug you :3
When did you go Fab?
Yesterday evening. It won't be for very long, though.
My period isn't for another 20 days. :(
Well that sucks.
Hugging other guys is gay. You're gay.
You're gayer.
I'd hug you bro, no homo.
Exactly what I want to hear.
Level 43 looks shitty with a dark aura. Get a gold aura.
The shittier, the better. You've only convinced me further to keep my dark aura as I've done for more than 3 years already.
I heard Queens is a bad place to live. Is it true?
Not in general, and especially not my neighborhood (Astoria). There are some bad neighborhoods in the borough though, like Far Rockaway and Jamaica (mostly South Jamaica).
Is it healthy that when I was only 13 I was already lusting after older men?
You don't want to know what kinds of thoughts went through my mind as a 13-year-old. Many of those thoughts are still with me now.
...are both late to the party.
You don't masturbate on stickam enough.
I do it when I feel like it.
*kisses deeply*
Current Score: 1.12 / 5.00 (+ 0.025)
It won't be there for long.
Do you think you could when in a fight against narcissy?
Narciwho? Oh right. Yes.
Come in, I'll give ya shelter from the storm.
Mfw your name is Twilight and Twilight is GoryBlizzard
No one knew that. At all.
You and Twilight switching names pretty much made me trip balls yo.
I'm sure it did.
Also, whatever happened to you coming on Stickam every day from the bar like you did last year?
I would be glad to