giantdouchezx: gory why are you so open about awful things
scaraboffng: Don't you guys have Ordnance Survey at your disposal?
giantdouchezx: like how you told everyone at your highschool that you love shit
giantdouchezx: it's not lying if you dont bring it up to begin with
goryblizzardng: I didn't like, bring it up out of nowhere. It started from a conversation I was having about fetishes.
goryblizzardng: There's no way in hell I would butt in on a conversation about, say, shoes and say, "Hey n***as I love shit."
scaraboffng: To be fair, I linked a small number of my childhood friends to WAM material available on Youtube ot this day.
goryblizzardng: To be honest, I thought everyone would just let it go soon. I was wrong.
scaraboffng: Again, with context.
goryblizzardng: Nobody ever let it go for years
keithng: Gory is more classy than that, he'd be like: "I hate addidas shoes, they're so shit which you know is a bad thing since I love real shit."
giantdouchezx: did you have nicknames
kingsofthestoneage: shithead
kingsofthestoneage: the shit monster
kingsofthestoneage: shitty mcgee
goryblizzardng: Shithead was actually the second most popular name I had after Scat Man
kingsofthestoneage: shitter me timbers
_tehslaphappy: they just called him shitty
scaraboffng: Smilin' Norman Smiley (who also likes shit sexually)?
giantdouchezx: poopdick mcgillicutty
scaraboffng: Captain Roscoe?
*lolteq left the room.
kingsofthestoneage: charles mcanus
kingsofthestoneage: shitbutt
kingsofthestoneage: kingsoftheshitage
keithng: lol Charles McAnus
kingsofthestoneage: giantshit
scaraboffng: The Jolly Postman?
kingsofthestoneage: keshit
_tehslaphappy: tehshithappy
kingsofthestoneage: scaraboffshit
keithng: FUCK
keithng: I was about to say that slappy lol
kingsofthestoneage: drony shit
_tehslaphappy: scaddimonster
kingsofthestoneage: goryshitzer
scaraboffng: scaraboffofshit
goryblizzardng: Man, those are some of the best names I've ever read
kingsofthestoneage: mercatorshit
scaraboffng: WadeFulp.
goryblizzardng: You should have been old enough to go to high school with me
kingsofthestoneage: kinderpoo
keithng: keshit is dumb...I sound like a shittier version of Kesha
kingsofthestoneage: lol
giantdouchezx: the shit lovin' kid
scaraboffng: The Chocolate Speedway Kid?
_tehslaphappy: daddytepoopla
keithng: I still think my thread of Shitty Movie Posters starring Gory is great. :D
giantdouchezx: gory why are you so open about awful things
scaraboffng: Don't you guys have Ordnance Survey at your disposal?
giantdouchezx: like how you told everyone at your highschool that you love shit
giantdouchezx: it's not lying if you dont bring it up to begin with
goryblizzardng: I didn't like, bring it up out of nowhere. It started from a conversation I was having about fetishes.
goryblizzardng: There's no way in hell I would butt in on a conversation about, say, shoes and say, "Hey n***as I love shit."
scaraboffng: To be fair, I linked a small number of my childhood friends to WAM material available on Youtube ot this day.
goryblizzardng: To be honest, I thought everyone would just let it go soon. I was wrong.
scaraboffng: Again, with context.
goryblizzardng: Nobody ever let it go for years
keithng: Gory is more classy than that, he'd be like: "I hate addidas shoes, they're so shit which you know is a bad thing since I love real shit."
giantdouchezx: did you have nicknames
kingsofthestoneage: shithead
kingsofthestoneage: the shit monster
kingsofthestoneage: shitty mcgee
goryblizzardng: Shithead was actually the second most popular name I had after Scat Man
kingsofthestoneage: shitter me timbers
_tehslaphappy: they just called him shitty
scaraboffng: Smilin' Norman Smiley (who also likes shit sexually)?
giantdouchezx: poopdick mcgillicutty
scaraboffng: Captain Roscoe?
*lolteq left the room.
kingsofthestoneage: charles mcanus
kingsofthestoneage: shitbutt
kingsofthestoneage: kingsoftheshitage
keithng: lol Charles McAnus
kingsofthestoneage: giantshit
scaraboffng: The Jolly Postman?
kingsofthestoneage: keshit
_tehslaphappy: tehshithappy
kingsofthestoneage: scaraboffshit
keithng: FUCK
keithng: I was about to say that slappy lol
kingsofthestoneage: drony shit
_tehslaphappy: scaddimonster
kingsofthestoneage: goryshitzer
scaraboffng: scaraboffofshit
goryblizzardng: Man, those are some of the best names I've ever read
kingsofthestoneage: mercatorshit
scaraboffng: WadeFulp.
goryblizzardng: You should have been old enough to go to high school with me
kingsofthestoneage: kinderpoo
keithng: keshit is dumb...I sound like a shittier version of Kesha
kingsofthestoneage: lol
giantdouchezx: the shit lovin' kid
scaraboffng: The Chocolate Speedway Kid?
_tehslaphappy: daddytepoopla
keithng: I still think my thread of Shitty Movie Posters starring Gory is great. :D