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Charlie @GoryBlizzard

Age 35, Male


The Streets

New York

Joined on 11/21/03

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Laziness, Apathy

Posted by GoryBlizzard - August 10th, 2007

I am bored out of my mind right now.

So, I suppose that I'll write a news post right now in hopes of quenching my extreme boredom.

What have I been up to lately? Not much. The sky has been dreary gray all day and it just stopped raining not too long ago. It's also 58 degrees right now, the coolest temperature I've seen all summer long. I remember last winter, sometimes the temperature would go as high as 67 degrees. I decided to walk around my neighborhood a little bit after lunch, but when I came home, I started feeling tired again.

You may be wondering why I titled this post the way I did. Read on and I'll explain why.

All summer long, I have pretty much been doing next to nothing. It's really fucking sad because I was hoping to do so much more this summer than I've actually done. I used to have a job in a Manhattan music studio over a month ago, but suddenly, my boss disappeared without explanation one day and I've been out of work since then. Supposedly, he went to Puerto Rico to go on vacation with his girlfriend. That's fine and all, but he has been gone for a while and he hasn't responded to the numerous e-mails I sent him. Since I'm out of work and all, I spend my days either sitting at my computer for hours at a time, sleeping or staring upward for eons, and occasionally playing my old video games (I'm in no position to buy an Xbox 360, a PS3 or a Wii at the moment). That's really it.

I'm such a fucking loser. I really am. I get lazier and more apathetic by the day. The fact that I'm sitting at my computer writing about my misery isn't helping my case, I understand, but I'm at a loss as to what to do now.


So what else is there to talk about in my life?

I just downloaded Erotic Funeral by Gaahlskagg (side project of Gaahl from Gorgoroth) not too long ago. Surprisingly, I haven't listened to it yet, but I will soon.

While I'm on the subject of metal, I plan on going to the following concerts in the near future. Both concerts are a week apart from each other:

10/14/2007 -- Dark Funeral, Naglfar, Daath
10/21/2007 -- Overkill, After Forever

I'll try to make it to both concerts as early as possible, so I can be in the front. I'm most likely going alone to the first concert, unless I can find anyone who's interested in coming with me. So far, everyone I've talked to can't make it that day.

Last thing for now...I'll be going to Europe on Monday for 11 days. I know Clock Day is on the 15th, and unfortunately I won't be present for it this year, so you won't be seeing any Flashes from me. The last time I submitted any Flash was in late 2005, and it was subsequently whistled and deleted along with the alt that I used to submit it. I'm going to need someone to deposit for me while I'm in Europe, so if you're interested, send me a PM or IM me on AIM.


Comments ain't a thing here.