What can brown do for you?

Charlie @GoryBlizzard

Age 35, Male


The Streets

New York

Joined on 11/21/03

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36,962 / 37,340
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Nurse Dale/ChillAsIce/PigletsMemories AIM Convo With Me

Posted by GoryBlizzard - March 15th, 2010

Make what you want of this tard, so I present to everyone, this conversation for your reading pleasure:

radiorippersUNIT 8:17 pm
what's up BRAH
do you like being called that
GoryBlizzard 8:17 pm
Very rarely do I get called that, so...I don't know
radiorippersUNIT 8:18 pm
did you have an afro by chance?
GoryBlizzard 8:18 pm
A bit of one, yes
radiorippersUNIT 8:21 pm
i was curious but do you have any asian or native american ancestry
hard to tell from your pics
GoryBlizzard 8:21 pm
radiorippersUNIT 8:21 pm
how much of each/
and what sort of Asian?
GoryBlizzard 8:21 pm
Can't quantify.
radiorippersUNIT 8:21 pm
has anyone ever made remarks about being asian towards you
GoryBlizzard 8:21 pm
Not in a long time.
radiorippersUNIT 8:21 pm
if so what exactly was it like
because of the afro, would it be crazy if one thought you had black ancestry?
GoryBlizzard 8:23 pm
...no, because I actually do.
A little bit.
radiorippersUNIT 8:23 pm
you're pretty mixed
no latino ancestry?
GoryBlizzard 8:23 pm
Not that I'm aware of.
radiorippersUNIT 8:24 pm
so you've never learned a chinese or indian language?
GoryBlizzard 8:25 pm
radiorippersUNIT 8:25 pm
nobody in your family speaks a non-english language?
GoryBlizzard 8:26 pm
My dad speaks Japanese, Russian, Spanish, French, Italian and German all fluently
radiorippersUNIT 8:26 pm
woah that's cool
but as for actual conversational speaking
nobody speaks anything that's not english?
radiorippersUNIT 8:27 pm
conversating between family members, that is
GoryBlizzard 8:27 pm
Pretty much.
radiorippersUNIT 8:27 pm
what if there was a Newgrounds language?
GoryBlizzard 8:27 pm
Won't happen.
radiorippersUNIT 8:27 pm
if some kid got bored and wanted to make one
would you think that's a stupid idea
or genius
GoryBlizzard 8:28 pm
radiorippersUNIT 8:29 pm
speaking of stupid kids
were there any kids in high school that
you wanted to beat up
for being an asshole
GoryBlizzard 8:29 pm
Countless ones.
radiorippersUNIT 8:30 pm
ever got into a fistfight at school?
or did you just bottle it or verbally argue with them
because i do more of verbally arguing
with the people i hate
GoryBlizzard 8:31 pm
A few fist fights, but much more of the latter.
radiorippersUNIT 8:31 pm
glad you're done with high school?
GoryBlizzard 8:31 pm
Of course
radiorippersUNIT 8:32 pm
did you go to the graduation ceremony thing that day
GoryBlizzard 8:32 pm
radiorippersUNIT 8:33 pm
did you even like your school, aside from bad students
any school pride
or did you just straight up hate the school?
GoryBlizzard 8:34 pm
I didn't have any school pride because I think the whole concept of it is ridiculous.
radiorippersUNIT 8:34 pm
well yeah
i assume you hated going to school
GoryBlizzard 8:34 pm
A lot.
School has always been a major source of pain and frustration.
radiorippersUNIT 8:35 pm
socially and academically
radiorippersUNIT 8:36 pm
and let's not forget
waking up in the morning
that part of the day, for school
radiorippersUNIT is available 10:04 pm
radiorippersUNIT 10:19 pm
i've noticed you've never used the emoticons on the BBS, why not?
GoryBlizzard 10:20 pm
The only emoticon I ever use is ":/" although that's more on Stickam, AIM and MSN and not really on the BBS.
radiorippersUNIT 10:20 pm
well I mean
the emoticons that you choose
those faces
GoryBlizzard 10:21 pm
Attached to my posts and PMs? Yeah, I find them pretty useless.
radiorippersUNIT 10:21 pm
don't have a favorite emote?
GoryBlizzard 10:22 pm
Not really.
radiorippersUNIT 10:22 pm
do you ever smoke?
seeing as you seem stressed to a point...
GoryBlizzard 10:23 pm
Used to, but the cigarette taxes where I live are the highest in the U.S.
radiorippersUNIT 10:23 pm
any access to weed?
GoryBlizzard 10:23 pm
Not since I was 15, which was the last time I smoked it.
radiorippersUNIT 10:23 pm
well it's cool you tried it
did you like it?
GoryBlizzard 10:24 pm
radiorippersUNIT 10:24 pm
you drink?
GoryBlizzard 10:24 pm
Whenever I can these days, but I did all throughout middle school and the first two years of high school.
radiorippersUNIT 10:25 pm
drinking's cool
do you like gin by any chance
or rum or whisky
GoryBlizzard 10:26 pm
Whiskey and gin sometimes, rum much more rarely.
radiorippersUNIT 10:26 pm
do you like wine coolers
GoryBlizzard 10:26 pm
Yeah, though I don't really use them.
radiorippersUNIT 10:27 pm
would you ever like to get a girl drunk and then have sex with her
GoryBlizzard 10:27 pm
radiorippersUNIT 10:28 pm
is there any area of NYC that's like
full of prostitutes
GoryBlizzard 10:28 pm
I've seen a lot in Mott Haven and Parkchester.
radiorippersUNIT 10:29 pm
would you ever consider paying for sex
GoryBlizzard 10:29 pm
I have.
radiorippersUNIT 10:29 pm
what kinda girl did you fuck
GoryBlizzard 10:30 pm
A blonde chick.
radiorippersUNIT 10:30 pm
what's your preference of girl
GoryBlizzard 10:31 pm
Okay, I'm going to turn the tables around starting now.
Why are you interviewing me?
radiorippersUNIT 10:31 pm
i ask a lot of questions with anybody
i think it's a weird habit of mine
and i think you'[re actually
very interesting to talk to
you're not a bad guy at all
GoryBlizzard 10:32 pm
Is there more you're not saying?
radiorippersUNIT 10:32 pm
what do you mean
i'm not using that info for anything
i'm just curious
because you're a chillax guy
GoryBlizzard 10:32 pm
It's not often that people flood me with questions to the extent that you have.
radiorippersUNIT 10:33 pm
maybe you don't know me well enough
i ask a lot of questions with anybody
GoryBlizzard 10:33 pm
So, your NG account again is...?
radiorippersUNIT 10:34 pm
well I haven't used it in a while but at times I use the following account
GoryBlizzard 10:34 pm
PM me with it.
radiorippersUNIT 10:35 pm
I'm not on my home computer and i didn't know my password and i could only login with the password saved on the cookie for that computer
i haven't been at my home for weeks
that sounds like a fake excuse because it's actually the truth
hence why i don't use it a lot too
GoryBlizzard 10:36 pm
You told me yesterday that your NG username was coolguy, an account with basically nothing and an '00 sign-up date, and you expect me to believe that you're Lord-Humungus too?
radiorippersUNIT 10:36 pm
i didn't want you to know who i am
but now i'm more familiar with you
GoryBlizzard 10:37 pm
If you can't PM me with a valid, active account, I can't really believe you are who you say you are.
radiorippersUNIT 10:37 pm
i dont' like giving away the real deal so quickly
who the hell could i be?
radiorippersUNIT 10:37 pm
some random kid?
and basically that's what said account is really of: some random kid
GoryBlizzard 10:38 pm
So, are you going to PM me or not?
radiorippersUNIT 10:38 pm
i can't.
are you gonna stop talking to me or something
GoryBlizzard 10:38 pm
Yes, you can.
The fact that you also said ChillAsIce is one of your friends sets off another red flag.
radiorippersUNIT 10:38 pm
he is a friend
GoryBlizzard 10:38 pm
Get better friends.
radiorippersUNIT 10:39 pm
i went to school with him
radiorippersUNIT 10:39 pm
chillasice is also the cousin
actually, half-brother
of a notorious NG guy
GoryBlizzard 10:40 pm
Jesus Christ...
radiorippersUNIT 10:40 pm
he made movies about
drew pickles and stuff
the guy from rugrats
have you ever seen those movies
GoryBlizzard 10:41 pm
Of course.
radiorippersUNIT 10:41 pm
what did you think of them
GoryBlizzard 10:42 pm
It doesn't matter what I think.
So really, who are you?
What's your first name?
radiorippersUNIT 10:42 pm
my name is Kingston
GoryBlizzard 10:43 pm
Want to try again?
radiorippersUNIT 10:43 pm
my name is
Kingston Guzman
GoryBlizzard 10:44 pm
I think you might as well tell the truth right now, because this is pathetic.
radiorippersUNIT 10:44 pm
why don't you believe that?
I honestly don't know why you don't believe that
GoryBlizzard 10:44 pm
http://www.thebackalleys.com/forum/lof iversion/index.php/t5318.html <- your name is Tim. Amazing how you think I can't catch you lying to me.
radiorippersUNIT 10:45 pm
Tim's my brother
he used to use this account but i picked it from him
radiorippersUNIT 10:45 pm
this is Kingston, Tim's brother
timmy doesn't even use radiorippersunit
sounds like a fake excuse, but whatever
GoryBlizzard 10:46 pm
I'm not even sure whether to believe you have a brother, because the more you say, the more full of shit you seem to be.
radiorippersUNIT 10:46 pm
you don't believe i have a brother?
plenty of people have brothers
GoryBlizzard 10:46 pm
You might as well just admit to me that I caught you lying.
radiorippersUNIT 10:47 pm
okay fine
my name is Tim
the rest is truth though
why does my name matter though
how many Tims do you know?
GoryBlizzard 10:47 pm
Several on NG and many in real life.
GoryBlizzard 10:47 pm
I wanted to see if you were capable of telling the truth even once.
radiorippersUNIT 10:47 pm
GoryBlizzard 10:47 pm
You failed that test.
radiorippersUNIT 10:47 pm
ask me another question
you can find by
using radiorippersunit on google search
if you can
i'll be honest
like where i live
GoryBlizzard 10:49 pm
I just want your NG username and to prove yourself by PMing me, but if you can't even do that and give me a lame bullshit excuse, that's god damn sad.
radiorippersUNIT 10:50 pm
okay fine
GoryBlizzard 10:50 pm
PM me with it.
radiorippersUNIT 10:50 pm
GoryBlizzard 10:51 pm
Good, I got it and I'm satisfied. I don't know why that took you so long.
radiorippersUNIT 10:51 pm
i apologize
GoryBlizzard 10:52 pm
And you're Nurse Dale too, apparently.
radiorippersUNIT 10:52 pm
nurse dale?
wtf is that
GoryBlizzard 10:52 pm
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/search/a uthor/PigletsMemories
radiorippersUNIT 10:53 pm
who the fuck is nursedale
find you found out i'm chill
but what's nurse dale
GoryBlizzard 10:53 pm
How much longer can you keep this shit up?
radiorippersUNIT 10:53 pm
i only wanted to talk to you
settle things out
i didn't want you to be an enemy of mine
it's stupid
i never had anything against you until you seemed a little angry at me
radiorippersUNIT 10:54 pm
and don't ignore me this time, i want to know the answer. please.
now that you know who i am, there's no point in lying because i only lied for you to not know who i was
GoryBlizzard 10:57 pm
radiorippersUNIT 10:57 pm
are you gonna stay mad at me
or wanna settle the problem here
because i have no reason to be upset at you
i did mess around with you, but the only reason why I IMed you was to get over that
radiorippersUNIT 10:59 pm
well? is that all you're gonna say?
GoryBlizzard 11:00 pm
Pretty much.
I'm through with you.
This entire conversation is going on my next news post.
radiorippersUNIT 11:00 pm
do it.
GoryBlizzard 11:01 pm
It'll be my pleasure, Tim/Nurse Dale/ChillAsIce/whoever the fuck else you are.
radiorippersUNIT 11:01 pm
ok seriously
who the FUCK
is Nurse Dale?
to make it clear
i have no idea who that is
in addition it's a very weird name
radiorippersUNIT 11:02 pm
well guess what
go on.


Damnit nurse dale is on NG also? i thought he just came on stickam to annoy/humor us

Of course he's on NG and has been for a little while.

GoryBlizzard. Srs bsnz.


Gory can you make a pact with me to not find out my secret identities?


Please tell me he really is Nurse Dale.

He is:

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/top ic/1134210

Look at his face. The question is, how could he NOT be Nurse Dale?


Fuck you, GoryBlizzard!

Don't delete this post, because I just wanna say that this is all a conspiracy against me. Plus I've never used stickAM.

A conspiracy against you? Are you trying to set yourself up for even further humiliation?

Your profile pic makes me think that the arm is fake.

Damn, this guy's more retarded than I thought.

10 bucks says he's gone forever from the forums thanks to this chat.

lmfao nurse dale it is


lmfao best convo ever

Fucking owned. This guy is a complete idiot.

Fuckit, I'll just go ahead and tell you my alts. You seem to have a knack of finding them.
and one other I'd like to keep secret.